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‘I Belong but to Myself’
English poem version by Tzu-Yu Jeng
adapted from ‘Ich Gehör’ nur Mir,’ from musical “Elisabeth.”
[1] I shall not be tamed, or
Obedient, or yielding with ease.
I shall not be modest,
Deceived, merely cherished by — please.
I’m not some estate that you own,
But to myself solely belong.
[2] I seek to look down, on
A high-wire, the earth, unafraid.
I wonder: how long may
The thin ice keep bearing my weight?
To whichever risk I now speed,
Don’t care, for it’s me that I heed.
[3] It’s time that you taught me,
From those pre-arranged
And tiresome duties, to flee.
In case if you thought me
Ought quick to be changed,
In daylight would break this bird free!
[4] I bid stars to fall down,
And somehow I will make it thus.
I’m growing and learning,
Remaining though what I once was.
Before they be lost, I defend
Belongings and dear moments spent.
[5] Being smashed by enquiries,
Suggestions — those things, I refuse!
From dress train to collar
I’m fondled by thousands of views.
When sensing a gaze that’s bizarre,
I run to my own place afar.
[6] If trying to find me,
You loose, at your best,
My never-surrendered, free life.
You’re seeking to bind me,
But leaving your nest,
Now bird-like and sea-ward, I dive.
[7] I wait for companion,
And search for tranquility true.
I share apprehension,
Share grief and joviality too.
Yet one thing I defy —
My very life, for I
Belong but to myself!